New Courses Added to 2024-25 Schedule

Now you can now register for The Bridge classes completely online! Plus, with our new facility, expanded class offering, and more tutors to teach, this is a great year to start homeschooling your children. Whether you're just getting started or a veteran homeschooling parent, The Bridge Tutorial has supported hundreds of families with their educational goals for over two decades throughout the Mid-South.

Middle School Math, Science, English and More!

Tuesdays are a great day for Middle Schoolers at The Bridge Tutorial. With a full schedule of various math, science, English, history, and art classes, there's something for every 7th and 8th grader for the new academic year.

The Bridge Tutorial hosts classes in state-of-the-art instructional facilities on the campus of Macon Road Baptist Church Campus. From science and computer labs to art studio and library.
Our knowledgeable tutors coupled with our small class sizes make for the perfect learning environment. Learn more about our education coaches and the difference their experience brings to the classroom.
Registration is now open for the 2024-25 Academic Year. Be sure to reserve your spot as spaces are limited and filling quickly.